Camden County Band Boosters

The Camden County Band Boosters, is a supporting organization to the Camden County High School, Camden Middle School and St. Marys Middle School band programs (marching and concert), and is a 501(c)(3) charity incorporated in the State of Georgia.

Band Boosters support the Camden County Schools Band Programs by:

  • Providing funds to support events and needs that are not directly funded by Band fees or school budget, ensuring that the students have every opportunity to participate in a high quality band program.

  • Ensuring that no student is denied the opportunity to participate in the band program due to financial limitations.

  • Recognition of students demonstrating excellence by being selected for Honor Bands, including recognition awards and providing funds to travel and attend Honor Band clinics.

  • Supporting of middle school band programs, recognizing the middle school program importance to high school band performance.

  • Supporting Band participation in Winterguard (visual/guard competition), enhancing guard performance at marching band competitions.

  • Subsidizing student costs for food during competitions and away football games.

  • Providing scholarships for students working to improve skills by attending summer camps or participating in lessons

  • Ensuring equipment and instruments are in good repair.